Hartmans Law

Brand Innovation Blog

Hartmans Law articles on branding and trademark law.

Trademark Registration Does Not Halt the Trademark Rights of Prior Users

Federal registration of a trademark does not halt the rights of a prior user of an unregistered trademark. Trademark rights are generally acquired from the use of a mark, not from registration. What Can the Prior User of an Unregistered Trademark Do to the Owner of a Registered Trademark (or Application)? The prior user of…
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Trademark Attorney Near Orange County, California

Registering a trademark can increase the value of your business and protect your firm from competitors. Of course, you will need to ensure that your Federal trademark registration is accepted, which is not automatic. Trademark attorneys near Orange County can help with the process of trademark registration. What is a trademark?  A trademark can be…
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Trademark Attorney Near Culver City, California

When you’re operating a business in Culver City or the surrounding areas, you will need local attorneys to give you sound advice. Working with a trademark attorney near Culver City can be worthwhile because protecting your brand is a critical element of business management, and it can give you an advantage if your trademark is…
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Trademark Attorney Near San Diego, California

If you’re running a business in or around San Diego, it’s vital to consider your intellectual property. Your brand name, logo and imagery are all valuable commodities and they help your business to stand out from the crowd. Without adequate protection, you could find that other companies begin to encroach on your brand identity. By…
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Trademark Attorney Near Century City

No matter what industry you’re operating in, it’s important to protect your brand. Companies spend millions creating and developing a brand identity, so it’s crucial you safeguard it. By registering a trademark in Century City, you can stop other businesses from using your intellectual property or imitating your company. Speak with a trademark attorney near…
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Trademark Attorney Near Beverly Hills, California

If you’re launching a business in or around Beverly Hills, you will need to think carefully about your branding. As well as reflecting your corporate identity and your products or services, your brand enables you to engage with your target market more effectively. Consider speaking with a Trademark Attorney near Beverly Hills, California. However, protecting…
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Trademark Attorney Near Santa Monica, California

If you’re running a business or launching an enterprise, you’ll want to protect your brand. When it comes to your company name, logo and typography, it’s important to have control over how it’s used. With help from a trademark attorney, you can ensure your trademarks are properly registered and fully protected. What is a trademark?…
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Trademark Classes Explained (Nice Classification)

Trademark Classes Explained Trademarks are registered for particular goods and/or services. For example, COCA-COLA for carbonated soft drinks (Reg. No. 696147). The goods and services are organized into categories, called Trademark Classes. For example, clothing and footwear are in class 25, while backpacks are in class 18. An application to register the mark NIKE could…
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T-Shirt Design Trademark Registration – Specimen Recommendations and Overcoming Ornamental Refusal

T-Shirt Design Trademark Registration – Specimen Recommendations and Avoiding Ornamental Refusal Can You Register a T-Shirt Design as a Trademark? Yes! People often wish to register t-shirt designs as trademarks to prevent others from selling copies. However, the t-shirt design is insufficient, without more, to function as a trademark and the application may be rejected….
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Responding to a Claim of Amazon Marketplace Trademark Infringement

As a seller on the Amazon marketplace, you may receive a claim of trademark infringement. Whether you sell your own goods or you’re a reseller of third-party products, you can face a claim of trademark infringement all the same. Such a claim may come through Amazon or directly to you from the claimant or an…
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