California Trademark Lawyer

Hire an experienced trademark attorney, Eric Eagle Hartmans, to get you through the complicated process of trademark registration. Protect your assets and begin the registration process with a California based Trademark Lawyer.

Eric Eagle Hartmans Practices Trademark Law in California

California Trademark Lawyer - Eric HartmansWhether you are wanting to register a trademark in California or nationally, working with a trademark lawyer will remove your stress. We will make sure to eliminate simple errors that could cause extra work and delays. We will get you through the registration process and help you get your trademark registered. The first step is making sure your trademark doesn’t already exist. When that’s completed, we will prepare your trademark application.

Over 50% of trademark applications are initially rejected by the US Patent and Trademark Office. Work with a California trademark Lawyer to ease the registration process, making it easier and faster.

*Fixed Fees Above Do Not Include Government Filing Fees
**Additional Terms and Conditions Apply
***Read About Trademark Searches


To begin a trademark application, complete the following form. An attorney will contact you shortly to schedule a consultation.

For immediate assistance, call (310) 954-8512, ext 1.

  • if a company, indicate if the company is a corporation, LLC, partnership, or other
  • if logo or drawing, type design
  • e.g. retail restaurant, software for accounting, or clothing
  • Submission of the above intake form does not create an attorney-client relationship. No attorney-client relationship is formed until the parties sign a written fee agreement.
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Trademark FAQs

Are your attorneys in good standing
of the bar of the highest court of any U.S. state or territory?

YES. Our attorneys are licensed and in good standing with the State Bar of California.

What is the US trademark application process?

After a trademark application is filed, a USPTO trademark attorney examins it to determine if it meets certain criteria. The application can be drafted in a way to maximize the chances of being approved by the USPTO.

If approved, the application is then published online and third-parties have an opportunity to object to the trademark’s registration. If no objection is filed, or if the objection is not sustained, then a trademark registration certificate is issued by the USPTO and mailed to the attorney, which is forwarded to the client with future deadlines and information regarding enforcement.

What are the filing fees?

US trademark filing fees depend on 1) the number of classes applied for and 2) whether the USPTO has pre-approved your goods and services. To learn more about the classification of goods and services, read our blog post on trademark classes.

What do I need for Amazon Brand Registry and how long will it take?

A USPTO trademark registration is required for Amazon Brand Registry. To learn more about the requirements for the Amazon Brand Registry, read our blog post on the Amazon Brand Registry.

How long does until I receive my trademark registration certificate
and registration number?

It typically takes a minimum of 7 months for a trademark application to mature into a registration, but it may take 24 months or more.



“I have been working with Eric for a few years now and he has never failed to make time or provide the best legal advice for each situation. He goes above and beyond in not only his legal advise but also in giving valuable feedback as to what approach is best for my company. I feel confident and comfortable in everything he guides us with.”

Adrian Suran, Co-Founder of Avento Technologies

“Got crystal clear advice from Eric that gave me confidence, and immediately solved all issues.”

Celso De Melo, Artificial Intelligence Developer

Eric communicates trademark language well, gets the job done on time and easy to work with. I would suggest hiring him.

KeilyN.D, Musician

I needed some Trade Mark help in the USA. We operate in Sydney, Australia and got lucky enough to find Hartmas Law. They got the job done for us…I highly recommend them.

Mark Norman

“Tremendously professional and helpful. Very positive experience. Highly recommended.”

Patricia De Middel

Efficient, effective and provides frequent updates. Very happy with Trademark service.

Walid Khalil

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